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Create Your Own Premiums

Workstaff allows you to create your own premiums that you can later add to the compensation conditions in your projects if required.

Creating Premiums

Creating your own premiums is a quick and easy task. Once created, your premiums will be available when you change the compensation conditions in your projects.

  1. Go to the Settings section in the main menu
  2. Go to the Premiums section
  3. Click on Add
  4. Fill in the fields and choose whether the rate is monetary or a percentage of the base wage Premiums.png

Automated Premiums

When creating a new premium, you can choose for it to be automatically applied to shifts when one or more of the following conditions are met:

  • To any hour worked between “start time” and “end time”: The premium will applied to all the hours worked between the start and end time you selected;
  • When shift is for any of these skills: Every time a worker is booked for one of the selected roles, the premium is applied to their booking’s compensation conditions;
  • When shift is on these days of the week: The premium is applied to the shifts taking place on the selected days;
  • When staff profile has field “…” with value “…”: The premium is automatically applied to all booked staff having the selected custom field and value in their profile;
  • When staff employment status “…”: The premium is automatically applied to all booked staff having the selected employment status in their profile.
  • When staff is flagged as a team lead on the shift: The premium is automatically applied to all designated team leads on the project.

If you select multiple conditions for the same premium, please be aware that all of these conditions must be fulfilled for the premium to be applicable to shifts.

Automated premium